Letter from Nurses & Administration – Chickenpox Notice

Medical Update: Chickenpox Notice

Dear Parents and Guardians:

There has been a diagnosed case of Chickenpox (Varicella) at the school.  The Chickenpox Virus is contracted by direct contact with the skin lesions and by airborne droplets.  After discussion with the Department of Health, it has been determined that the risk of exposure in this case is low.  They have informed us that there is no need for any further action at this time.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the school nurse.

Thank You,

MaST Schools Administration and Nursing Staff


Jill Matz  K-6 Nurse 267- 348-1160

Roni-Sue Santulli  7-12 Nurse 267-348-1160


Title I Planning Meeting – 5/8

Title I Parent Survey

MaST is dedicated to providing a quality education for every student. Your comments and concerns are very important since they influence the direction that our programs will take in the future.

Please click here for flyer and survey link.

Raffle Tickets Pre-sale

Ryan Reed Memorial Benefit – 6/8

2019 Yearbooks for Sale

The 2019 Yearbook is now for sale to students in grades 9-11!

Order online: Ybpay.lifetouch.com – please use code: 3729519

Report Card Conferences – Half Day – 4/25

Teachers will send out information regarding scheduling parent conferences.